Unified Council is a professionally managed progressive organisation in the field of education, established in the year 1998
by eminent personalities from various fields, including some academicians of international repute. Since its inception,
Unified Council has brought together, the best brains in the field of education, in an endeavour to make the younger generation
fundamentally stronger and to nourish their brains for a bright and enterprising future.
Much of the ‘learning’ that children receive in schools nowadays, is largely rote and thus lacks in-depth understanding
of a subject. ‘Knowledge’ is built up only on a thorough understanding of a subject, which is put to test in real-life
competition. To acquire/dispense knowledge through ‘proper learning’ in order to contribute meaningfully to tomorrow’s world,
the students and schools need a paradigm shift in the way they look at ‘learning’.
The Unified Council Team comprises experienced teachers and professionals having an intense involvement with school education.
Their hands-on experience helps the team create and implement solutions that are based on actual needs of schools and teachers.
These solutions are based on the strong foundation of curriculum and educational research.
All Unified Council's tests are diagnostic in nature and help students in practically improving their skills.
Unlike regular tests which may only find out how much a student knows or has memorised, Unified Council's exams measure how well
a student has understood the concepts, and gives a detailed feedback of the same, to help him/her improve.
Thus Unified Council's exams help each student know whether and how much he/she has actually understood about a concept and
enables him/her to take immediate proactive steps to prevent development of conceptual gaps, which otherwise can
increase as the student upgrades to higher classes without proper understanding and can lead to development of a ‘phobia’ for the subject.
Frequently Asked Questions related To Unified Council's Exams
Source: http://www.unifiedcouncil.com
Date: 10th September 2020
- Q. How does a student benefit by participating in the NSTSE/UCO/UIEO?
Ans. NSTSE, UEO & UIEO, curriculum-based examinations, are very useful for students who wish to assess their
strengths and weaknesses in Maths, Science, Computers and English. As an integral part of the academia, these
programmes will have a far-reaching effect on the competitive spirit of young minds. Based on a ‘skill blueprint’, highly experienced educational specialists develop these assessment tests. The analysis of the performance is made at individual student level, class, school and country levels.
Q. Who is eligible ?
- Students of classes I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI (PCM), XI(PCB), XII(PCM), XII (PCB) are eligible to appear for NSTSE.
- Students of classes II-X are eligible for UCO & UIEO also.
- Q. My school does not want to register for the Unified Council Olympiads, but I am very eager to write the exam. Can I do it on my own?
Ans. You can directly appear in NSTSE exam. Click HERE for more details.